CyberLink Media Suite is a shareware DVD playing application that's comprehensive, powerful, user friendly and advanced.
Here are some screenshots to illustrate the features and user interface of this application:
Create, play, organize and share multimedia files with all the Cyberlink products' capabilities rounded up under the same roof. Screenshot of CyberLink Media Suite - 692px · 523pxCyberLink Media Suite: User interface. Screenshot of CyberLink Media Suite - 800px · 450pxMovie options and video operations. Screenshot of CyberLink Media Suite - 800px · 450pxCyberLink Media Suite: Photo management. Screenshot of CyberLink Media Suite - 1356px · 881pxWorking with music options. Screenshot of CyberLink Media Suite - 1356px · 881pxData and backup features, and utilities. Screenshot of CyberLink Media Suite - 800px · 450px